If you’re one of the 40 million American adults who struggle with anxiety, you already know that getting to sleep can be a difficult task. However, it doesn’t need to be a struggle every night. There are ways that you can cope with stress and ensure that it doesn’t impact your ability to get a good night’s rest.
Here, we’re going to talk about some sleeping tips for people who struggle with anxiety, so read on to improve your nightly experience after your head hits the pillow!
Table of Contents
1. Have the Right Mattress
One of the most common reasons that people don’t sleep well is that they have uncomfortable mattresses. This can keep you up for hours to stew in your anxieties about your waking life simply because you will be too uncomfortable to get to sleep. Lying awake in bed is a great opportunity for your mind to wander into a stressful territory, so don’t give it that option!
Instead, invest in a good airfoam mattress or something made from memory foam. These are comfortable enough to support your back and carry your mind into dreamland.
2. Find a Good Sleep Position
Finding the right sleeping position is also important to getting quality rest. By now, you probably know whether you’re a back, side, or stomach sleeper, but you may not be sure hoe to get as comfortable as possible in your preferred position. Experiment with the number of pillows and blankets you use until you find a way that you can get extremely cozy.
3. Have a Nighttime Routine
Having a nighttime routine is a good way to train your body to fall asleep after specific tasks are completed. It also lets you rest easy in the knowledge that you are clean, relaxed, and have done everything that you need to do in order to wrap up your day.
A good nighttime routine includes things like brushing your teeth and taking care of other hygiene-related tasks, eating a light snack if necessary, spending time with pets, and taking a warm bath.
4. Take a Warm Bath Before Bed
Research from Cornell University has proven that a decrease in body temperature and then a sharp increase can help you sleep better. This makes warm baths the perfect way to decompress after a long day. Additionally, because heat is a muscle relaxer and inhaling steam can help increase the flow of oxygen to your brain, these baths will help to calm your anxiety as well.
Take your bath 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you want to try aromatherapy, you can also purchase (or make) all-natural bath bombs to enhance bathtime. Be sure that you wash off while in the tub, too!
5. Practice Meditation
Meditation is also a great way to relieve stress and many who enjoy it have a session right before bed. Close your eyes, find a comfortable position, and clear your mind. Imagine that you are in tune with nature and are in a calming and happy location. This is a surefire way to get you feeling calm and relaxed.
6. Drink Some Herbal Tea
Drinking herbal tea has been scientifically proven to relax both your mind and body. One study proved that tea can reduce stress in about half of people, which definitely means that trying a relaxing cup before bed is worth a try!
Consider getting chamomile tea as a primary choice (it comes in multiple flavors). The herbs within chamomile blends are specifically intended to promote sound sleep. However, if you don’t like chamomile, there are many floral teas and other decaffeinated alternatives that you can give a whirl.
7. Read a Chapter of a Good Book
Reading is an activity that’s both calming and a lot of fun. It also gets your eyes away from cell phone and laptop screens that emit blue light, which can throw off sleeping patterns. If you’re a fantasy lover, Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare is the perfect book for you, but if you prefer romance, give Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas a try. There’s a book out there for everyone!
8. Do Breathing Exercises Regularly
Taking deep breaths is a great way to reduce anxiety before bedtime. Not only does the calming movement get you to calm down, but inhaling deeply provides your brain with more oxygen. This makes it healthier and clears your mind of stress-induced thoughts.
Using this breathing triangle is a great way to regulate your breathing, but there are other ways to do this if you prefer not to have a visual. Inhale through your mouth for three seconds, hold your breath for five, and exhale through the nose. Closing your eyes while doing this is a great way to practice mindfulness and get more holistic benefits.
9. Sleep at a Consistent Time
Because your body has a circadian rhythm that regulates sleep, you can train it to become tired and ready for bed at specific times. This sleeping tips can be done by going to bed at a consistent time each night. If your brain is used to resting at 11 PM, for example, it will begin to shut down and rest at this time. You will have a much easier time falling asleep if this is the case.
More Sleeping Tips for a Good Night’s Rest
While sleeping with anxiety can be difficult, there are fortunately ways that you can make it easier on yourself.
Now that you know some of the best sleeping tips for people with anxiety, it’s time to learn more lifestyle tips so that you can begin living your best life. Check out the health section under the ‘life’ tab on our homepage for more information on coping with anxiety and becoming more in tune with your emotions.