Theft can be very upsetting. Not only do you lose money and goods, but it can feel like a real violation of your space, and it’s difficult not to take it personally. That’s why it’s worth learning about the most common types of theft, so you can prevent them. Here are some types of theft you should look out for.
Add a sturdy door
You may be surprised to learn that many break-ins occur from burglars forcing your front door. You may well think your door is secure, but many homes have UPVC doors that can easily be pried open in seconds. While a secure lock is important, you may also want to consult with aluminum doors specialists, to fit a stronger front door. Aluminum is a lot stronger than options such as wood or plastic materials, and it lasts longer too. You could also consider a second screen door to provide an extra layer of protection.
Don’t leave windows open
Windows are another vulnerable area in your home. During the summer it’s always tempting to open them a crack to let some air in but doing so can mean people can enter your home, or even just reach in to grab valuables. Consider adding window screens or locks, so you can open your windows without worrying about people getting inside.
Cybersecurity is important too
It’s not just physical items that can be stolen. When you use the internet for banking or other transactions, you run the risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime. There were around 17 million cybercrime victims in the UK in 2017, and it can affect both individuals and businesses. Some common types of cybercrime include, but are not limited to:
- E-mail phishing and scams
- Stealing card data or other personal information
- Extortion and blackmail
- Ransomware
- Identity theft
How can you avoid becoming a victim? Firstly, avoid using sites that aren’t secure, and only give your details to trusted sites and brands you know. Use unique passwords for each site, and never click links in e-mails or texts that purport to be from your bank or popular websites. (Alprazolam)
Vehicle thefts can be especially upsetting
Vehicle thefts are common in certain areas, especially certain makes and models, so you should make sure you pay attention to vehicle security. If you’re buying a new car, you may want to look at its vehicle theft risk rating, as some cars are much more commonly stolen than others. Of course, this shouldn’t stop you from buying the car you like, but you’ll need to take additional precautions.
Vehicle owners should make sure they have the best alarm fitted, and if possible, you should install a driveway at home, as this makes things more difficult for thieves, as they are more likely to be spotted.
Many thefts are opportunistic, rather than being planned, so taking a few precautions can help you avoid being a victim of crime. Follow the tips above and you can relax in your own home, knowing that you are well protected.