Eating After a Tooth Extraction: A Guide to the Do’s and Don’ts

eating after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a pretty big business in the United States. Each year about 10-million wisdom teeth get extracted from 5-million people.

That’s a lot of teeth. And a high likelihood that you or someone you know will have their wisdom teeth removed this year.

But the biggest concern for many isn’t the procedure; as you can see, it’s a commonplace now. No, the biggest concern is eating after tooth extraction.

Don’t worry, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what to eat and what not to eat after extraction.

What Can I Eat After Tooth Extraction?

Dental work can be intense. Not just in the moment, but long after the procedure is done. Sometimes discomfort can last for days. But you still need to eat.

Your mouth will be sensitive, and you’ll need to take care to eat foods that won’t irritate, or get stuck in, the extraction site.

The questions roll in. So what to eat then? Can I eat bread after a tooth extraction? Can I eat noodles after a tooth extraction? Will I ever be able to eat sweets again?

No need to agonize. The good news is there are lots of great things you can eat after tooth extraction.

A Few Dos

You’ll want to stick with soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing. Soft things and liquids are great to start with. Here are a few examples.

  • applesauce
  • broths and simple soups
  • fruit or protein smoothies
  • scrambled eggs
  • oatmeal
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, or even ice cream
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But ice cream or sweeter treats should be taken in moderation. You want to take in calories that will support your healing process. Nutrient-dense broths or smoothies are the best choices to kick start things.

As far as drinks, stick with water for the first 24-48 hours. Avoid sodas or anything very sweet. Herbal teas may also help with your healing.

A Few Don’ts

After tooth extraction is not the best time to try out that Ghost Pepper hot sauce. Avoid spicy foods for at least two weeks after your extraction. Here are a few other examples.

  • no booze for at least two weeks
  • no spicy or overly acidic foods
  • avoid nuts, seeds, or small particles that can get lodged in the extraction site
  • nothing too hot
  • moderate your caffeine intake
  • no hard candies or beef jerky

One other thing, no smoking for at least 72-hours. If you decide to smoke, just know you run the risk of complicating your recovery. This could add on time to your restricted diet.

The Road to Recovery

Eating after a tooth extraction is pretty simple if you can stick with these guidelines.

As we said, this modified diet won’t last forever. You can pick back up with some of your favorites about two weeks after your extraction. Some people are even able to pick up solid food after a week.

Remember to start slow. Take in soup or broth, water and rest. Once you feel better, incorporate more solid foods.

You’ll be back on your feet in no time.

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