4 Mistakes in Managing Files to Avoid for Doctors

managing files

Doctors and other medical professionals have to juggle many duties from day to day. While patient care is always the most important, managing files is also a critical task.

From communicating the quality of care you’re providing to reducing your exposure to risk, there are many reasons to get your documentation and file management right.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. There are many great file management systems you can use, and it’s always a good idea to learn from others. This starts with avoiding the following file management mistakes.

1. Managing Files the Old-Fashioned Way

Are you still hand-writing your records on paper? This is a huge mistake!

It’s far too easy for physical files to get lost or damaged. If you haven’t already digitized your files, this is the first thing you should do. This will allow you to manage, store, and access all of your patient information with just a few clicks.

Investing in a quality medical scribe software will also give you back hours of your time. This will allow you to spend more time talking to patients, provide better patient care, and enjoy some personal freedom.

2. Not Following a Retention Schedule

Storing physical and digital documents for longer than necessary opens you up for legal liability and privacy issues. Make sure you set up formal procedures that outline exactly what documents to keep, how long to store them, and when and how they should be destroyed.

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Make sure everyone in your practice understands these rules and talk to your tech professional about how to set up automatic rules within your storage system. This will help to automate things, which will reduce the chances of an error.

3. Improper Storage

Not knowing where to store documents and how to store them safely is another huge mistake. In-house storage can leave you open to common cyber attacks.

Instead, choose a professional medical record storage company to keep your information off-site. These companies typically offer advanced security so you can feel confident that all of your patient information stays safe.

4. Not Having a Proper Backup

If you’re not prepared for an emergency, you’re leaving yourself open to major issues. Make sure you have a system in place that ensures all your data has redundant backups. If you decide to store your digital information with a third party, inquire about their data recovery policies and make sure you’re comfortable before committing.

Update Your File Management Systems Today

Every day that you allow the above mistakes to occur, you’re opening yourself up to liability issues. Although the task may seem tedious, managing files the right way is one of the most important things you can do to protect your practice.

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