How pregnancy exercise helps me to stay fit and healthy during the pregnancy period

Exercise has an impact drastically on you and your baby while you are pregnant. As per the experts, it is the best practice to exercise throughout your pregnancy period, which helps you stay fit and healthy. It is also helpful to improve your body posture and discomfort, such as backaches and other joint problems. Pregnancy exercise helps pregnant women prevent the gestational issue, stress-free, and increase stamina required at the labor and delivery time.

If you were much conscious of your fitness before pregnancy, you should need to continue your exercise with some modification if required. If you are not a fitness freak, you should start your exercise session safely during pregnancy after consulting your concern doctor. Do not try to do challenging exercises. Always start with walking and swimming that are considered safe exercise during the pregnancy period.

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The benefit of exercise during pregnancy:

Exercise is suitable during pregnancy, and it is perfectly safe. However, it is being noticed that most women do not do physical exercise, as required due to some misconception. But once you make up your mind to do exercise during the pregnancy period but still not aware of how regular exercise is helpful during the pregnancy. Here we are explaining the benefits of exercise during pregnancy.

  • Regular exercise improves strength and stamina, which is helpful during labor pain and delivery
  • It is helpful to strengthen muscles
  • During the pregnancy period, most of the women complaint that they face constipation problems. So, it is helpful to get rid of the constipation problem
  • Regular exercise improves fitness
  • Sometimes women complain that they have back pain, and exercise helps them to relieve back pain.
  • Increase body flexibility
  • Sometimes mood does not get better due to change in the body, and it can also help correct the mood.
  • Helpful in better sleep
  • It is helpful to maintain a healthy weight and get a better night sleep
  • If you are a fitness freak and exercise lover, then it helps to get back your body shape after pregnancy
  • It helps to make up your mind about labor pain and delivery
Point to keep in mind while exercising:

There are so many points keep in mind while doing exercise during pregnancy time that is listed below.

  • You need to focus on balance during exercise because your weight and center of gravity change the baby shape
  • As your blood volume increases so your workload increases
  • Pregnancy hormones
Precautions while exercising

You have to warm up and cool down your body, whether you are pregnant or not. While exercise, it always takes ten minutes to break before exercise to get ready your body, and when you are done with the exercise, let it be slow down gradually and not stopping abruptly. The warm-up and the cool-down process is also a part of the exercise.

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There are some other essential tips included listed below.

  • Always wear appropriate clothes and supportive shoes.
  • Drink plenty of liquid to hydrate your body
  • If you do exercise, focus on maintaining your diet. It is advisable to eat a healthy diet and a balanced diet.
  • Some safety tips are essential and keep in mind while exercising.
  • Do not do exercise beyond your limit. If you feel some shortness of breath, stop the exercise and take breaks, and do not go at the point of exhaustion. If you feel short of oxygen, consult with your fitness trainer and doctors to continue the exercise.
  • Do not need to take any risk. Avoid using any activity that causes any trauma in your abdomen.
  • Do not go with exercise that involves vigorous and jerky activities. Always avoid
  • If you experienced any of the following symptoms, call the doctor immediately.
  • Suppose if you are feeling significant pain in the body.
  • Continuous vaginal bleeding 
  • If suddenly feel leaking excess fluid
  • Faint situation  
When not to start exercise during pregnancy?

Exercise is good for health during pregnancy, but there is a specific situation where any woman should avoid exercise to impact your body negatively. Those situations are given below. 

  • If pregnant women are suffering from lung diseases
  • If she is suffering from any of the heart diseases
  • If you have cervical stitches
  • If you have passed through multiple pregnancies like twins baby or triplet
  • If you are at a high risk of pre-term labor
  • Second or third trimester bleeding
  • Pre-term labor pain
  • Severe anemia
  • If women suffer from chronic hypertension
Rules of safe pregnancy exercise:

There are specific rules which are applicable in safe pregnancy exercise. If 

  • Consult with doctors first when once you start an exercise
  • Try to consume extra calories that are required once you start an exercise
  • Always try to wear the right and comfortable clothes
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Keep moving
  • Make exercise as a habit
What types of exercises are to be recommended in pregnancy?

If you are physically fit and have exercised before getting pregnant, it is usually safe to continue exercising during the pregnancy period and confirm with your provider.

Suppose if you were part of tennis and another kind of intense exercise, you may have to keep your workout continue during pregnancy. As you know, your belly gets bigger, you may have to change in your activities or follow ease workout, but your provider gives you a green signal to go ahead, enjoy the activities. But, now it is the best time to start if you did not exercise before you got pregnant. Speak up with your provider about slow and safe activities and start it. To take overburden, build your fitness slowly. For example, start a five-minute workout each day and increase time slowly up to 30 minutes every day.

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How much exercise should you do in pregnancy?

Any pregnant lady requires at least two and a half hours of moderate level exercise in the entire week. Aerobic activities include repeatedly move large muscles, such as the arm and legs. Aerobic activities are responsible for making your breath faster, and heart beat.

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But, you do not need to do two and a half hours at once. Breakup into weeks means you have to do approximately 30 minutes of exercise daily to boost your energy level. 

Safe exercise during pregnancy:

There is some safe exercise during pregnancy that are given below.

Walking: walking is one of the best workouts that does not strain your joints and muscles. If you are a fresh starter, walking is one of the best exercises for you.

Swimming and water activities: 

water activities support your baby’s growing weight, and it is helpful to keep the heart rate up. It is also helpful to keep your muscles healthy. If you have lower back pain, try swimming activities to overcome this.

Riding bicycle:

Bicycle riding is a safer exercise in pregnancy, and it is safe because you cannot fall from a stationary bicycle to any regular cycle. You can go with this exercise as your belly grows.


Discuss with your yoga teacher that you are pregnant, and she will help and guide you to avoid some specific poses that are unsafe for pregnant women.

Strength training:

This kind of training is helpful to build muscles and make bone strong. It is one of the safe workouts. You can discuss with your provider how much you can lift during pregnancy.

Ultimately you have to keep yourself in active mode. For that, do not need to join any gym or any special equipment. Even you can walk in a safe area to do exercise. You can find many ways to be fit, like doing yard work or use stairs instead of the lift.

What type of exercise is not safe in pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, you should be very careful in choosing exercise. Discuss with your provider while choosing any activities. It is advised not to do any of the below exercises.

Any exercise that includes jerky, bouncing moments that might cause you to fall, such as horse riding, physical cycling, gymnastic, and skating

Any sports in which you have a chance to hit your bellies such as Ice hockey, cricket, football, boxing, soccer, and basketball

Any exercise that forces you to lie on your back like sit-ups. In this kind of exercise, the uterus puts pressure on the veins responsible for bringing blood into the heart. Lying on the back might cause low blood pressure and restrict the supply of blood to your baby.

Do not involve such activities that make your body temperature too high, like an exercise in a closed room where the temperature is between 95 F to 100F.

After birth, when can you start exercising?

For knowing in detail like when to start exercise after giving birth, balance it, to get active again.

Suppose if you have a vaginal delivery without complication, which is known as safe delivery. In such a situation, start exercise just after few days after giving birth, while if you have a C-Section, you need to wait for a longer time to start exercise after baby birth. After a few months, start exercise slowly, and if you feel any pain and anxiety, stop the exercise session, and contact the provider.

Where to get help if not feeling good while exercising?  

If you feel any anxiety or trouble during exercising time, you need to contact your doctor or contact your physiotherapist. In other cases, contact with national continence helpline or bicycle network to know more about cycling and pregnancy.

In this article, it is explained clearly that in pregnancy exercise, what routine should be followed? Which exercises are useful in pregnancy? Which exercises should avoid? Which rules should be followed while doing exercises etc.