Types of Application Software Examples We Use All the Time

application software examples

In layman terms, application software are computer programs created for people using computers. Application software have their utility in professional domains as well as for entertainment purposes. Application software include programs like word processors, web browsers, editing programs, multimedia players, antiviruses, spreadsheet, and database programs among other things. Popular application software examples include MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, Windows Media Player, Adobe Photoshop, Google Chrome, etc.

For many of us, the words “app” and “application” have the same meaning. However, in technical terms, there is a slight difference between both. Applications generally have multiple functions contained in them whereas the function of an app is singular. Thus, applications are versatile as they contain a package of operations.

Application software make our lives easy by providing a one in all platform for various tasks. Application software help us in compiling, organizing, recording, and calculating data, creating work presentations, writing documents and reports, developing websites, editing graphics, communicating using the internet, and a multitude of other activities.

List of application software

There are a multitude of application software varieties available in different operating systems and compatible with different devices. Microsoft Office is a suite consisting of the most popular application software used worldwide. Similarly, there are other commonly used application software with multiple variants available in the market. Here, we will look at some of the most regularly used application software examples.


Antiviruses are by far the most widely used and recognized application software examples of all time. The online space is rife with discussions regarding the best all-purpose antiviruses out there. Before diving deep into your search for the perfect antivirus, you should be aware of the fundamental concept. Knowing what antivirus is and how it works helps you shape your decisions accordingly. Some computer science enthusiasts consolidate upon their theory of antiviruses to develop their own personal brand of it.

At its core, antiviruses are basically software that you load onto your system or personal cellphone. These sets of programs are specifically designed for the detection and removal of malicious software in your system. It carries out this said protection in multiple ways.

Primarily it scans through your existent files and directories and hunts for suspicious or abnormal patterns and activities. Further, it also gives the user the liberty of scheduling their own customized scans. These customized scans are highly helpful when the user wants to concentrate their search on any particular folder or directory. Additionally, antiviruses also entail regular updates in light of the continuous evolution and mutation of the malware online.  Modern antiviruses offer protection from a wide range of threats. Notable among them include browser helper objects, browser hijackers, ransomware, backdoors, rootkits, and worms.

Making up your mind regarding the suitable antivirus for android might seem like a perennial dilemma. However, thorough market knowledge coupled with subject comprehension shall always help you in making an informed decision. Prioritizing your device’s maintenance and the integrity of your sensitive information is of the utmost importance over here. Once you reach that conclusion, the need for an antivirus seems rationally urgent. All of these parameters are exactly what establish antiviruses as among the most vital application software examples.

Web Browsers

In the current age of rampant internet consumption, nothing finds more relevance in our daily tidings than a web browser. This makes web browsers among the most sought-after application software examples of our times. Web browsers are single-handedly responsible for facilitating the burgeoning global internet traffic on a day to day basis.

At its heart, a web browser is a software that helps the user access information on the World Wide Web. Understanding the underlying mechanism involved helps us to gain a deeper insight into this whole procedure. At the outset, on a particular website, a user issues a request to the web relevant web page. This is exactly when a web browser is triggered into action in the scope of servicing this particular request. Upon receiving the request, the web browser goes about securing the necessary information from the webserver. Subsequently, the web browser displays the content on the user’s screen at the end of the process.

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Modern-day web-browsers exhibit cross-platform capabilities and can be easily accessed from any electronic device at the user’s disposal. Additionally, the number of features that they offer work towards largely enhancing the user’s surfing experience. Browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox actively work towards optimizing your device’s RAM performance. This they do by effectively monitoring the data consumption across various websites and charting your surfing patterns subsequently. The integration of Artificial intelligence with web browsers has made this software highly intelligent and perceptive to their user’s requirements.

application software examples

Video Conferencing Software

In the current time and age of virtual communication, video conferencing software are the rage in fostering this particular dynamic. By virtue of this, video conferencing software are arguably among the most relevant application software examples of modern times. These application software enable communication for a wide range of both professional and personal purposes.

Video calls are the most preferred method of dialogue exchange when it comes to long distancing communication. The agony that the wait of a letter or a telegram usually causes stands completely invalidated with these software. Now, you’re simply a mouse click away from connecting with your loved ones and relatives who are residing continents away. Additionally, the whole platform of video conferencing has made a lot of things highly accessible. Notable among them is the field of education. The rapidly growing domain of ed-tech makes active use of video conferencing portals as part of their curriculum.

Now, students belonging to any corner of the world can remotely access the services of the best teachers out there. In this way, videoconferencing software effectively bridge the gap between demand and supply in this particular realm.  Additionally, video conferencing software have announced themselves as an absolute boon in the professional domain.

The convenience of video conferencing tools is what renders stability to the framework of these crucial meetings. Features like screen-sharing, whiteboards, and recording are what really enhances the experience of these meetings. Thanks to this crop of application software, that the working of every corporate enjoys absolute clockwork precision. Nowadays, a lot of firms are relying on Skype and Zoom meetings to carry out their mass recruitment processes too.

Email Clients

Email application software are one of the most essential software in today’s time. Emails or electronic mails are the primary modes of communication amongst business professionals. As a consequence, email clients have a regular purpose on a day-to-day basis by most people. Email clients, therefore, come under the list of important application software examples.

Many email clients are compatible only with their original operating system supporting devices. However, the latest roundup of email clients is compatible and accessible via most of the devices. Some of the popularly used email clients are Gmail, Thunderbird, Outlook, Hotmail, etc.

As with the above-mentioned application software examples, email clients also require an Internet connection to function. Email clients perform a host of operations that are essentially centered on managing the electronic mails sent and received. The email application software enable users to draft/create emails, send and receive emails, forward and reply to a chain of emails, maintain a contact list of email addresses, and managing the email list by archiving, highlighting, or deleting emails.

Modern email application software have come up with additional features that has broadened the scope of communication via email clients. Email application software are now linked to drives and clouds, thereby providing better access to data. In addition to this, some email application software have also introduced video calling function as a result of increased compatibility across platforms.

Email application software are now used extensively in both work and educational setup. With the rapidly updating features, email application software are now synced to events on the user’s calendar, allowing greater productivity and convenience. Email clients are therefore included in the list of popular application software examples.

Graphic Design Software

Graphic design software is an emerging section in the channels of application software. With the generational wave of creativity and innovation, graphic designing and editing applications have secured a coveted spot in the list of essential application software examples. The current crop of careers requires a basic level of mandatory editing skills. A host of graphic design software are available to fulfill this new wave requirement. Some of the most well-known graphic design software include Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Inkscape, Sketch, etc.

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Graphic design software aid users in creating, editing, developing, enhancing, and modifying graphics, images, logos, etc. Graphic design application software often include tutorials, templates, editing stations, and a unique design interface. These applications enable users to create art, professional banners, marketing catalogs, advertising logos, and many such creative designs. Graphic design software rightly establish their spot as one of the most versatile and comprehensive application software due to its wide range of functions. Due to this reason, they also require a minimum skill level on the part of their users.

Graphic design application software base their designs according to the different requirements of users. The market of graphic design application software is diverse and therefore has a wide scope. An ensemble of graphic design software is specifically developed for professionals in the creative field. These design software are highly specialized and cater to the skilled population. On the other side, we also have basic, user-friendly graphic design software that finds usage by beginners and students.

Owing to their highly specialized functions and rapidly developing technology, some of the graphic design software are expensive to procure. These design software unlock a plethora of editing and designing tools for professionals.

Multimedia Software

Multimedia, as the name suggests, is media that consists of multiple types of media such as audio, video, text, etc. The use of multimedia is immense in today’s world. Multimedia has become an integral part of business, education, and entertainment. The applications that allow us to access, create, and edit multimedia are multimedia software. Some application software examples of multimedia include Windows Media Player, Picasa, VLC Media Player, etc.

Multimedia software enable us to access photos, videos, music, animation, graphics, games, etc. For example, Windows Media Player enables users to listen to music as well as watch a video, provided it is in the MP3 format. Picasa helps users to create and edit images and other graphics. Similarly, there are video editing multimedia software, educational multimedia software, as well as multimedia software used for gaming.

Some multimedia software come as part of the operating system while some software are available for free demos and purchase. A class of multimedia software are compatible only with certain devices and systems. On the other hand, there are a group of multimedia software that are free and easily accessible on any device or system. Multimedia software are an essential part of the professional domain as they enhance the presentation and organizing aspect of media.

As in business, multimedia software prove to be equally significant in the entertainment sector. Multimedia software allow people to listen to music, edit photos and videos, play games, and organize all of the above systematically. For this reason, multimedia software are one of the most widely used application software and have universal importance.

Final Thoughts

The above-mentioned list of application software provides a brief overview that helps in shedding light on the functions of application software. From a web browser to a graphic software, every application is highly specialized and therefore, significant. The features of application software determine its popularity and demand amongst the users. The different uses of application software prove its relevance in the current technological environment. It also alludes to the expansion of the scope in this particular field, with more and more application software emerging in the near future. The coming years call for there innovation in leaps and bounds in this particular area of technology to fulfill the increasing requirements of users. You too can use these application software to make your work easier.

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