4 social media strategies for new online businesses

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Have you recently launched your online business? If so, merely optimizing it and using it to deliver quality products won’t ensure the success of your business. Instead, you need to market it effectively as well.

An excellent way for you to market your online business is by leveraging social media. After all, social media is a convenient, cost-effective, and impactful way to access the masses.

According to Statista, there are over 2.46 billion social media users in the world. In the first quarter of 2019, Facebook alone had 2.38 billion active users! Now, think of how many people you can attract to your online store if you market your business effectively on social media.

Here are some of the best social media strategies you can use.

1.      Use social media to listen

Social media isn’t just a great place to create awareness and interest in your online business. Instead, it can be used to refine your brand, to begin with. How? Well, you can use social media as a listening tool to monitor and manage your brand image as well as customer preferences.

For instance, the Leather Skin Shop is an online leather jacket store. Since it needs to understand what its customers think about the brand, it uses various social media listening tools. Just like the store, any new business can benefit from the insights gathered from social media.

The insights can be used to alter marketing decisions and create campaigns that truly resonate with the audience.

There are different metrics you can monitor. You can keep track of when and how your brand name is used. If it is used negatively, you can jump in and offer support. If it is used positively, you can show gratitude.

While the former tactic will ensure that your business is viewed as being professional and credible, the latter will help strengthen the relationship with your satisfied customers.

Another essential thing to keep track of using social media is your competitors. Since you are new in business, you can learn significantly from how your main competitors are using digital platforms. See what works best for them and where they are most active. This will help you draft your social media campaigns as well.

2.      Use Facebook Pixels

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What if you could find more about your target audience through your social media? If you play your cards right, you can certainly do so. Especially through Facebook pixels.

When you are a new online business, it might get time to get conversions. People might visit your store but leave empty-handed. If you can find all the touchpoints that they have accessed, you can better target your audience. This is what is called retargeting.

Every sales conversion occurs after your customer is accessed in at least six touchpoints. Therefore, retargeting is bound to work in progressing a said visitor through their sales funnel. Facebook’s tracking pixel comes in handy here.

The Facebook tracking pixel allows you to know how many visitors scrolled down your social media home page, who were redirected to your store but left quickly and what places they visited when on your store. This is possible since most Ecommerce solutions are compatible with the technology.

Hence, you can use your social media to check where you are losing customers. Similarly, you can use it to see which content best converted customers. This insightful data can then be used to alter your entire marketing strategy and hence ensure the success of your online business.

3.      Use social media as a guiding tool

Marketing isn’t only about promoting your business through ads and posts. It also includes building a sound reputation. This is especially true for new online companies who don’t have any brand history to leverage.

You can use your social media presence to act as a guide. This reduces confusion in the mind of customers as well as caters to post-purchase dissonance.

There are online businesses who are using Facebook apps that direct customers to take action. For instance, ShoeDazzle, a footwear retailer, has its Style Profile app integrated into the social media site.

When a given Facebook visitor gets access to the application, they can fill out a quiz to find which type of shoe is perfect for them.  The app then automatically redirects the visitor to the online store, thereby progressing the sale to the final level.

shoe dazzle


4.      Change your tone depending on the platform used

Yes, your new online business needs a consistent brand voice. However, there is a difference between a brand voice and tone of voice. The former contributes to personality, while the latter helps in appearing relevant.

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Different social media platforms have different tone requirements. While LinkedIn requires you to be more professional and formal, Twitter needs a much more conversational tone. Businesses like ThinkGeek have been able to understand these intricacies and build a follower base through strategically changing their tones.

By doing so, they have succeeded in engaging their target audience. New businesses can learn from this social media strategy. Pick which platforms to focus on and then develop content in a tone which is best suited for the platform.

By doing so, you are increasing the chances of other users sharing your content. Why? Because it seems relevant to them. This will help drive word of mouth and boost your user-generated buzz. All of this will shine a positive light on your new online business.

think geek


Final Thoughts

Ecommerce is undoubtedly a growing sector. As a new business, you are off at a great start. After all, if the industry is growing, you have excellent prospects too! But, because it is a growing sector means that there are various others just like you, waiting for a bigger share in the pie.

This is when the four social media strategies will come in handy. Use the platforms to collect valuable user data. Refine your marketing and branding accordingly. Leverage the platform to build your credibility. Use the right tone at the right place. If you do this all, nothing can stop you from growing your online business.

Do you think other social media strategies can be helpful? Let us know below.

 Author Bio:

About Ashley Rosa: Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. As writing is her passion that why she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well.  She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her at twitter: @ashrosa2.



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