Creepiness Alert: 7 Creepiest Things In The US That Will Redefine The Word “Creepy”

creepiest things

The stars and stripes of the USA is no stranger to the weirder side of the living. Viewed as a country built on immigration, the countless numbers of myths and legends and cultures have created an entire tapestry superstition and creepy ancient history. From the bizarre and strange claims of cryptic legends to the most sinister of secrets, there are numerous types of creepiest things, which have come to light in the US. There are several creepiest things that light in the US and the YouTube channel that goes by the name “Missing Files”, have covered some of the well-known and popular creepy discoveries.

1. The Bernal Hill Bigfoot:

creepiest things

The Bernal Hill Bigfoot stands out to be one of the creepiest things ever discovered. In the small suburbs of San Francisco, which goes by the name of Bernal Heights, the notorious legend of Bigfoot was already cracked wide open, allegedly. Although it may seem hard to believe, please take this claim with a hefty pinch of salt. Also, you can take some time out and take a look at the picture of a strange and bizarre creature seen clamoring down a shrub littered Hill conveniently to an access road. The unfamiliar creature was clad in scraps of fur and some unknown material appears to be approaching the photographer.

2. Dudley Town, Connecticut:

Dudley Town in Connecticut gained a spot in the creepiest things, a category for a reason. The name of the town itself stands out to synonymous with paranormal activity and ghostly going-on. Nicknamed as “The Village of the Damned”, and no wonder it caught the attention of thrill-seekers of the spirit world. Whatever the case may be, but the town’s history is an unsettling mystery.

Just like the vast majority of the USA, Connecticut to has a colonial history that is steeped with misfortune. Settlers first came to the area of Cornwall and built the town during the 18th century. Well, the town quickly turned into ruin and some have claimed it to be cursed by the Dudley clan. The town was said to have met with its demise overnight and whoever tried to settle on the land, they too suffered from the same mysterious fate, and the land of Dudley Town remains empty.

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3. The investor:

Out of the 50 states of the USA, Alaska remains the most mysterious, and also carries the creepiest things, which were had discovered so far. The state carries countless urban legends and mysteries about the strangers that have settled there. But nothing can be compared with the extent of the “Investor”, Alaska’s most notorious unsolved crime. In September 1982, the small fishing village of Craig, Alaska witnessed one of the most disturbing incidents in state history.

The family and crew of a fishing vessel known as the “Investor”, pulled up on the port after a successful salmon running trip, and celebrated the end of salmon season. However, the fate of the family and the crew of the Investor were cut short when a total of 8 people were murdered on the boat. No one knew the extent of the crime until the Investor was found burning just outside the port the next day. But, the grisly mystery of the investor stands out to be one of the creepiest things that remains unsolved.

4. The Forest Grove Scream:

creepiest things

The case for the small town of Forest Grove, Oregon, who was plagued by an unsettling and bizarre sound in 2016. This particular sound, in some cases, kept the residents awake for days and in February 2016, a high-pitched noise was heard during the night, emanating outside of Forest Grove. This is one of the creepiest things ever discovered in the state of Oregon.
The residents have described the sound to be somewhere between screeching of a car brake and steam whistle of a train. In some cases, the sound said to have lasted from 10 seconds to over a minute and the newspapers have described the noise as a giant flute played off-pitch or a bad one-note violin. The origin of the said sound was never been found, and there were numerous types of explanations.

5. The Lizardman:

All 50 states have their version of the bogeyman, with each cryptic monster varying from town to town. Some of them are truly terrifying, and others are too bizarre to be believed. But few of them can be compared with the creepy accuracy of the lizard man. Back in 1988, the residents of Browntown, South Carolina have reported being attacked by a terrifying creature that crawled out from the nearby scape or a swamp.
On the other end, Police have also investigated a report of a car being damaged overnight, which marked with tooth marks and scratches along with strange footprints left behind. The police made claims by describing the creature to have three fingers, red eyes, skin like lizard and scales like the snake-like scales. The existence of a lizard man remains unsolved.

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6. Jerome and Bliss:

Cryptic monsters are one thing, but the unsolved mutilations are an entire level of creepy. Since the 1970s, Idaho has plagued with a bizarre string of the creepiest things along with unexplainable crimes, which continues to go unsolved to this day. The areas of Jerome and Bliss is known for its resilience in the cattle industry. Farmers started experiencing a strange set of mysterious events that happened at random. They would find cattle lying dead in their field or mutilated in the same distinct manner, with no evidence to point towards the culprit.

7. The Craigmiles Mausoleum:

creepiest things

When you are looking for a creepy tale that is straight out from a Stephen King novel, then look further than the Craigmiles Mausoleum. It is one of the strangest and potentially paranormal mysteries in Tennessee state history, out in the tiny town of Cleveland. The name Nina Craig Miles is sure to stir up some strange secrets back in 1871. Nina was 7- years-old when she and her grandfather was hit by an oncoming train.

Nina was killed, and since the Craigmiles were incredibly rich, so they built a mausoleum in the memory of their beloved daughter. Once Nina was placed inside the mausoleum, numerous red marks appeared on the marble. Many attempts were made to erase it, but it was unsuccessful, and to this day no one knows how it occurred.


Many other creepy things were discovered in the US and the above-mentioned ones are
quite a few of them. If you are interested to know more, check out the YouTube channel of
Missing Files.

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