7 Tips for Limiting Teen’s Screen Time

screen time for kids

Teens love to spend their time on mobile, laptop, and desktop. But this can be very harmful to them as it leads to various health concerns and eyesight problems. It is important to note that without adult guidance, the majority of teenagers will spend most of their hours behind a screen.

Note that every child is different and one strategy may work better for one child in comparison to others. So, to help you out, followings are the seven strategies that you can adopt:

1-Discourage Them from Multitasking

The majority of teens think they are good at multitasking. They will be trying to text message when doing your homework or using social media while talking on the phone. If your child is having a phone, you will be probably too familiar with their justifications. You should discourage your teen from doing two things at once and you need to tell them how multitasking actually affects productivity.

2-Turn Screen Time into a Privilege

One of the ways through which you can change the screen time by turning it into a privilege. If you have grown up watching the four channels available, then you might feel lucky to watch a cartoon on Saturday morning. But now things are changed. Due to the 24/7 availability of the channel, there is more pressure on parents to control teen screen time.

3-Establish Rules About Electronics

Most of the teens especially young teens, are not mature enough to handle free reign with their electronics. You need to establish rules that will keep your teen safe and help to make good choices with video games, phones, TVs, cell and computers.

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4-Tell Them About Healthy Habits

You should tell your teen to shut down the electronics while they are sitting in front of the TV because this is not effective. Teens will learn from the things that you do instead of saying to them. Show your child how you make the choice between looking for something up on Google or checking the score of a game. You need to show her how you have learned to treat media as a privilege.

5-Tell Them to Do Physical Activity

You should encourage your teen to do some exercise. If you are going for a walk, then playing a game of catch or even doing some yard work will ensure that your teen is doing some physical activity. You should think of activities that you can enjoy as a family.

6-Go for Screen-Free Days

It is good to have a screen-free day. You should consider a longer digital detox that may be a week-long vacation from electronics twice a year. It is a great way to ensure that everyone is having plenty of activities that will not involve electronics.

7-Say No to Electronics During Mealtimes

You should shut off your TV during mealtimes and don’t allow anyone to do text messaging or web surfing when you are eating. Instead, you can use the opportunity to talk about your day.

Hope these seven strategies will help you to limit the screen time of your teen. Do tell us about any other way that you are using to reduce your screen time.

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