Transformational Journey of Sam Smith Weight Loss

Transformational Journey of Sam Smith Weight Loss

Malicious lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and physical inactivity are some of the significant causes of obesity. The staggering rate of people inclining towards junk food is quite threatening.

“According to a survey conducted last year, 39% of adults who are aged above 18 years were found obese.”

There are more than one reasons why obesity is a threatening issue. Being overweight can bring you problems that you can never imagine. People find inspiration from others story and their journey of weight loss in order to take charge of their own body. Sam Smith weight loss journey is one among those many weight loss stories that people have found inspiring and encouraging.

There’ no doubt in asserting that being overweight brings uncertain issues and diminishes the level of your confidence. Highlighting some of the major disadvantages of being overweight might help some to make things right for themselves.

  • Breathing Becomes Difficult: When a person has accumulated fat in his/her body, the excessive fat restrains the normal expansion of the rib cage that creates a breathing difficulty.
  • Heart Disease is Common: Extra fat can exert pressure on heart health leading to stoppage, clogging and congestion. Overweight people have risks of having heart diseases.
  • Premature Death: It is quite a known fact that overweight people die at a younger age. Due to their unhealthy lifestyle, junk food diet, physical inactivity, their immune system tends to get weaker, leading to premature death.
  • Depression Kicks in: The increased body weight gradually decreases your confidence to present yourself in the crowd that eventually leads to depression.
  • Double Chin And Saggy Skin: Once you start gaining weight, your skin tends to loosen up and drop. Double chins and triceps flats.
  • Body Odor: When the fold of skin under the fat decreases air flows, it causes heavy perspiration and generate bad odor.

While the consequences of being overweight can be detrimental, acquiring the inspiration to make some significant changes in lifestyle can be fruitful.

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As mentioned earlier, Sam Smith weight loss journey had encouraged many to step out of their couch and tread an extra mile to reach the end goal of a healthy lifestyle and body.

Sam Smith Weight Loss

Transformational Journey of Sam Smith Weight Loss

A well known British singer and songwriter, Sam Smith is blessed with a soulful voice that has bagged him ample recognition and awards in the past few years. The song “Stay With Me” released in 2015 got him the Song of the Year Award and changed his life as a pop singer. Sam Smith soon conquered number eleven position in the UK songs’ chart. Sam Smith spread his soulful voice globally and bagged many rewards.

The fit and healthy version of Sam Smith that people see today was not always the same. Sam Smith used to overweight and chubby in his initial days of singing. Sam used to follow a junk food diet that led him to become slightly overweight.

Emotional Eating: A Major Hindrance in the Sam Smith Weight Loss Journey

When it comes to talking about the main reasons that steered Sam Smith towards being overweight, emotional eating can be counted as a prominent reason. Sam Smith is an emotional eater; he used to munch on junk food whenever he felt low in life. Sam also confessed in one of his interviews that he was an overeater since his childhood. When he was in school, and something disturbed him mentally, or his music was not doing good, he used to go home and eat as much as he can to offset his pain.

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Sam Smith weight loss journey started two years back when he finally decided to overcome the bad habit of overeating. Amelia Freer is a therapist who constantly helped him in transforming into a leaner and fitter person. Amelia used to guide him throughout the Sam Smith weight loss journey by giving him advises and diet choices. Sam lost 50 pounds with his sheer dedication and perseverance.

Motivation Behind Sam Smith Weight Loss

While his dedication towards achieving a healthy is what kept him going, some other factors motivated Sam to lose more weight. The singer and songwriter wrote in one of his deleted Instagram posts that he was in a relationship with a girl who changed her life. According to the sources, the singer was in love with his therapist, Amelia Freer who helped her lose over a stone in a week. Sam Smith weight loss would not have been completed without the contribution of Amelia. Sam further added that Amelia used to fill him with confidence and motivation that compelled him to keep going further. His devotion and her encouragement together led Sam Smith towards his end goal; a healthy lifestyle and body.

Sam Smith Weight Loss: 14 Pounds in 2 Weeks

The credit of losing 14 pounds in 2 weeks also went to the girl in his life. Sam Smith mentioned a girl in his life, supposedly Amelia, helped him overcome the habit of overeating. She helped him prepare a healthy diet and encouraged him to follow it thoroughly.

Sam Smith is a renowned singer and songwriter who have bagged ample recognition and awards in the music industry. Not just his stirring voice but Sam Smith weight loss story has also struck a chord in a million hearts. Though the singer has given majority credit of Sam Smith weight loss to his therapist Amelia Freer, it was his devotion and dedication that has made everything possible for him. Losing 50 pounds and treading an extra mile every day to be the better version of himself, Sam Smith is constantly conquering every milestone in his life.