7 Proven Tactics for Making a Killer Animated Video

Tactics Killer Animated Video

So finally, you have decided to create a professional and polished video that helps you take your business to the next level. Creating an excellent video is one of the best ways to engage potential customers and make them familiar with your brand. Around 86% of the businesses are using video marketing strategy to give a professional look to their brand and boost the conversions. Lets find out the 7 Proven Tactics for Making a Killer Animated Video.

Regardless of whether you are creating a 2D animated video or an educational video, creating a high-quality video  is all that matters. Well! Creating animated videos like a pro is not a cakewalk. One needs to follow the right strategy and tactics to ensure that the video you create is professional-looking and clearly describes your business in front of the audience. 

Now, let’s jump onto some tactics that will surely help you create a video that drives more sales. 

7 Proven Tips to Create Animated videos like a Pro

Let’s begin….

Tip-1 Create an appealing script

Video without script is incomplete. If you focus on scriptwriting, then you can ensure to deliver successful videos that boost conversions. Basically, it is the foundation on which the entire process of your video creation depends. 

So, to get a killer video, try to produce an exciting and informative script. Always start with a creative brief and try to focus on the problems and solutions that really matter to the audience. If your video script is effective, you can get a high-quality end product that will surely boost your conversion rate. 

Tip-2 Keep your video short & Crisp

Always remember, the shorter the video length, the better the performance. People are likely to remember content that is minimum and productive. On average, 1-2 minutes of videos is enough to get people interested in taking the next step. 

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Thus, try to tell everything about your brand or product/service within 150 words(1 minute). As per the statistics, it is found that 83% of the marketer are dependent on videos as there are no obstacles such as time, budget, and resources. Moreover, to get high-quality video scripts, you can hire a professional video agency to take your video marketing to new heights. 

Tip-3 Use Professional Voiceover

Video voiceover is something that can actually make or break your entire video campaign. Yes, you are reading it right; poor voiceover will indicate the unprofessional behaviors towards your business that directly affects your brand reputation. 

A voiceover explains the story in an engaging way that further solves the purpose of letting people know your product/service. To give the best shot, you can always read your script out loud. It will not only inspire you to spell the script in a professional way but also gives an idea about how long it will take to complete the entire video. 

Tip-4 Animate appealing characters 

Characters are the heart of your animated video. If your video is not visually appealing, then most probably, it will not solve the purpose of attracting and engaging visitors’ attention. Try to create characters that come to life on screen. 

By adding a personal touch to your characters, you can make the video more interesting and inspiring. Also, make sure the character you animate clearly defines its purpose as it will help you in making your video stand out. 

Tip-5 Avoid Shaky Footage

There are no two opinions that shaky videos will make your professional video look like a casual motion picture. Sharing an unprofessional video will not only affect your business reputation but also minimize your web traffic. 

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Indeed, it’s hard to hold a camera, especially if you are not a professional. So, you can prefer using a tripod or can also set a camera on a sturdy surface. Proper planning around footage will help you shoot a video in a much-stabilized way. Remember, the lesser the shakiness, the better the quality, and more conversions. 

Tip-6 Add some Fun 

If you want a video that generates more revenue, then make sure it resonates with your audience’s needs. As per the analysis, it is found that people watch videos to be entertained irrespective of the age group. 

Therefore, try to add something extra to your video. You can always add some surprise element or humorous effect to your video. It will not only give a smile to your audience’s face but also helps you build a stronger connection with people. 

Tip-7 Focus more on benefits then Features

Last but not least, a tip that will help you create killer animated videos is focusing on benefits, not features. Whenever we explain some service or publish a new project, we always focus more on features. But instead, we need to tell people how the respective product/service will help them in achieving their business goals. 

Always try to focus on the benefits that really matter to the audience instead of explaining more about technical concepts. Once the people understand product/service benefits, they will surely add the idea to their lives.

Prefer reading- Why videos are becoming so powerful in digital marketing.

The Final Verdict 

Creating professional videos is not like a walk in the park. It is important to focus on various small things to make a killer animated video. Hopefully, all the above tips will help you produce a video that generates measurable results. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to produce a video that turns out to be effective in terms of education and engagement. Still, if you need any help in making videos or have any second thoughts, do share your thoughts in the comments. 

Happy video production!