Past, Present and Future of GIS

GIS technology

If you want to know the real power of GIS, you need to understand the historical trends in the development or use GIS. However, you can use cartography to locate yourself on the world map. Cartography is the art of creating maps that use colors, scales and symbols to understand distance and geography.

But maps can be inaccurate for some reasons. It does not show how the land changes over time. Nowadays, many GIS courses are available on the internet where you can prepare yourself for the future. Many GIS trends are coming to solve various issues. How do you know the hints that reveal the trends of GIS? Here we will show you everything about GIS, past, present and future.


Since 1854, scientists are using maps to visualize and track information. Many new GIS technologies created over time that allowed multiple industries to analyze the world.

Satellite imagery, aerial photography and remote sensing play a vital role in the growth of Geospatial technologies. The first GIS system developed in 1960.

GIS systems play a vital role in the development of various GIS platforms like ArcGIS and ESRI. It brings multiple businesses near Geospatial technology.

However, GIS is an IT system with a spatial component that uses data to collect geographical information about the Earth. GIS applications allow us to visualize and analyze the data.

You can also track the changes in spatial data.

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You can analyze the growth of trees, track the supply chain and visualize algae in the ponds with the help of GIS applications.

Present of GIS

Nowadays, the Geographic information system is all about solving real-world problems. Multiple industries are using Geospatial technology to make better decisions.

Many businesses are using Geospatial applications to define problems and find ways to solve them. Geospatial applications provide custom solutions to resolve the issues.

However, it can be challenging to manage thousands of acres of forest assets in the forestry industry. It requires a lot of expertise and resources to maintain and develop your GIS applications.

So that is why industries are using various GIS software to solve issues without the burden of maintaining and developing GIS applications.

You can gain expertise, resources and solve problems with the help of GIS courses. Without any burden of managing manual backups, GIS technologies are helping many users to access their data.

Nowadays, almost anyone can create GIS applications with an internet connection. Here are some more applications of the Geographic information system.

GIS AR and VR opportunities

GIS technology is offering facilities to augmented reality and virtual reality. However, users are becoming comfortable with the technologies that lead to growth in both AR and VR.

It also results in that most of the developers are integrating GIS capabilities in their applications. GIS enables almost anyone to use AR apps in the orientation of objects underground.

On the other hand, gamers can use GIS to create a virtual world. For example, you can see these trends in popular games like Pokemon Go.

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Indoor mapping and IoT

We can use GIS technology to develop indoor maps for cities and roadways. The trends in GIS helps to locate large and complex buildings.

However, the indoor mapping will improve safety for emergency responders, points of entry and critical information.

Moreover, GIS allows creating an easy-to-understand user interface to create, add, edit and remove elements more efficiently.

Future of GIS

We can say that the future of GIS can be optimistic. Many industries will learn how business value will come from Geospatial data. The new trends will take place around the world like AR, IoT, mobility and data analytics.

Not only will the GIS get transformed in the upcoming days, but it will also change the way industries use the technologies. You will find many online GIS courses that are preparing students for the future.

It will help students to learn spatial thinking skills that will help them to manage and use data more efficiently.

Wrapping up

We hope you get to know everything about the past, present and future of GIS. However, users are attending online GIS courses to learn spatial thinking skills. These courses will allow you to manage and use spatial data more effectively.